Embrace God's Mission.
Finish the Great Commission.

Christian CEO peer groups that
Make disciples of all nations.

Leverage Your Leadership
Work with Purpose
Leave a Lasting Legacy

Will your work as a CEO matter in eternity?

Too many Christian CEOs and entrepreneurs are distracted in their purpose.

Here’s the hard truth: If your business plan isn’t aligned with God’s plan, you’re chasing the wrong dream.

All your investment of time and energy at work will ultimately mean nothing if it yields you zero return in eternity.

Be about God's work. Not just your own.

In God’s eyes, your business is more than a money-making machine.
It’s actually a strategic vehicle for making disciples of Jesus.

When you become a 2414 Peer Group member, you will:

Grow as a Disciple
Get equipped with Biblical tools and perspectives that will propel you to go deeper with God than you ever thought possible.

Strengthen your Leadership
Find a safe place alongside like-minded brothers to bring your business challenges and grow in your effectiveness as a CEO.

Be a Disciple Maker
Learn how to reproduce Christ in your family, at work, and in the world so you can hear "Well done, good and faithful servant."

This isn’t Sunday school. Or a Christian business club.
It’s real men walking with a real God in the real world.

At 2414, we believe Christian CEOs are designed for more.

More than building a company.
More than making money.
More than giving generously.

You have been commanded to make disciples of Christ, both in your sphere of influence and around the world. That’s your mission — Jesus’ Great Commission — and as a CEO you are uniquely positioned to accomplish this task.

That’s why our 2414 CEO Peer Groups are designed to help you to:

Experience deep Christian community

Find a safe space to connect with trusted peers

Be accountable to your goals

Get fully equipped as a Christian CEO

To become actively engaged in God’s mission

That’s how you find more joy. More purpose. More peace. More true and lasting success.

What are 2414 members saying?

One vision. Multiple cities.

Each local 2414 CEO Peer Group is connected with our other Peer Groups in other strategic cities.

Through a mix of hybrid monthly meetings, 1-on-1 coaching sessions, group retreats, and international trips, you’ll walk through our 8 Foundations curriculum with other brothers in different markets facing similar business challenges as you.

You’ll sharpen each other as leaders and disciples to finish the Great Commission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why 2414 Peer Groups?

The workplace is perhaps the most strategic and underutilized vehicle for finishing the Great Commission. CEOs are uniquely positioned to change that.

While most CEOs have great business acumen to produce successful business results, they lack the acumen required to leverage their position to finish Jesus’ mission. As that changes through discipleship, though, the Kingdom impact can be profound.

Who is this for?

If you are a Christian CEO or owner of a small or mid-sized business, these peer groups are for you.

What’s included in membership?

1. Monthly Peer group meetings
2. Monthly 1-on-1 Coaching
3. Annual Retreat and Workshop
4. Opportunity for International Trips

(*Additional costs apply for retreats, workshops, and trips. Connect with 2414 to learn more.)

How much time will it take?

Our meetings are one day per month (8 am - 3 pm CST, breakfast & lunch are included), with a monthly coaching session, an annual retreat, and an annual workshop.

How will it help my business?

You will find both business support and wisdom, as well as spiritual encouragement needed to be the man, husband, and daddy you need to be while fulfilling God's greater purpose for your life.

How will it help my walk with God?

You’ll find that your relationship with God becomes stronger and more vibrant as you journey alongside other CEOs who are equally committed to growing in Christ and finishing the Great Commission.

Imagine this…
“Invest a day a month.
And reap the rewards… forever!”

Apply for a 2414 CEO Group today! Join in with other faithful Christian CEO’s leveraging their lives to get a great return — not just in business, but especially in eternity.